The Best Treatment Plan for Schizophrenia
Looking for the best treatment plan to cure schizophrenia is the goal of every schizophrenic and their caregivers. Experiencing schizophrenia symptoms is traumatizing. Not only for myself but also for my loved ones. Mental health awareness is not widespread especially so for schizophrenics.
For example, my family first relied on spiritual methods to calm me down. We were desperate for help and a solution. This is especially common in many cultures around the world. That didn’t work out at all. I spent most of my time running away from my home. It was really bad at the beginning.
Nothing really changed until I seek professional medical help. Over the years, other factors and actions that I took helped the healing process. It is a journey. Now I can say that I am able to manage my life well despite going through some symptoms.
In this post, we will go through what worked best for me and how you can build your version of the best treatment plan for schizophrenia.
Can Schizophrenia Be Treated?
Here are the facts. Although schizophrenia is said to be incurable, 1/3 of patients experience complete remission of their symptoms. Schizophrenia is definitely manageable with proper treatment. We can lead a fulfilling life with proper medications, good medical attention and great support from family, friends and the community.
Schizophrenics can then carry out daily activities or even work in some cases if the condition is managed well with the proper steps. There are also many successful people having this condition.
What Type of Treatment Is Most Effective for Schizophrenics?
The most effective treatment for schizophrenia is the holistic approach. Proper medication, a positive environment, and good physical health are crucial. This includes a personalized treatment program which combines both medication and therapy. Let’s break this down.
Schizophrenics deal with hallucinations and delusions daily. The mood swings and emotions attached to these positive symptoms of schizophrenia make it difficult to go through the day. This is especially when there are intrusive thoughts and voices that are annoying. They may appear to be playing like a broken record.
Thus, the correct dose of antipsychotic medication will help to tame the symptoms. This should be administered by a psychiatrist. Work together with your psychiatrist so you are not underdosed or overdosed.
At the same time, therapy sessions can help you to better understand and manage situations. If personal therapy is too expensive, apps like Bloom (Cognitive Behavioural Therapy) or Insight Timer (meditation) could be useful.
Keeping a daily routine also helps those having schizophrenia to be on track. It will enable us to accomplish more in our lives. Start with simple activities, like showering and eating at the right time. Celebrate the little wins and add activities as time goes by.
Most importantly, a positive environment can do wonders. Kindness and a non-judgmental attitude towards us who are going through schizophrenia are what we need.
There may be good or bad times but schizo warriors should never give up. We should continuously improve ourselves despite our condition. It is a battle against ourselves for normalcy.
Best Treatment Using Medication
Unfortunately, there is no one-size-fits-all solution. Some may respond better to certain medications while others don‘t. It depends on our condition. Besides, compatibility with the antipsychotic medicine prescribed by our psychiatrist is important. This depends on how our body responds to the medication over a period of time.
Common medications such as Clozapine or Risperidone might be given. Whatever it may be, it‘s more important to take them regularly – at almost the same time, daily! It is also always helpful to track how the medications affect you if it‘s your first time taking them. That way, your psychiatrist will know if the medication and dosage are working.
You may not get the right dose immediately. So work with your psychiatrist to find the correct amount.
Best Treatment Through Therapy
While there are many therapies out there, I found Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) the best for me. CBT is a therapy aimed to help schizophrenics manage trying times. I would liken it to having tools in our toolbox. This is to cope with the positive and negative symptoms of schizophrenia.
I personally would highly recommend a paid app called “Bloom” for CBT therapy. It is an interactive app that has licensed therapists covering a wide range of topics including motivation, anxiety, gratitude, stress and depression.
My subscription to CBT therapy via Bloom for a year brought lots of benefits. I often felt better after each session. It helps to check in with my current mood and ease my anxiety. It also contains breathing exercises which help me to keep calm. Overall, it feels very much like seeing and talking to a licensed therapist.
What Should Treatment Schizophrenics Avoid?
Schizophrenics should avoid illicit drugs and alcohol at all times. These are commonly used by schizophrenics to help ease negative complications. However, by doing so, it may worsen our current condition.
As documented in a study by the Medical University of Vienna, substance abuse can cause “increased psychotic symptoms and poorer treatment compliance”. The chances of getting into accidents or being ill are also much higher.
Personally, I stopped consuming alcohol altogether. I also stopped taking caffeine and even lessen food that is too spicy as certain food or beverages may trigger my condition. I also notice that food which is high in sugar does affect my moods in a negative way. I get more emotional during a breakdown instead of tearing up during some moments.
Living With Schizophrenia Without Medication
Every now and then, you may come across some schizophrenics who claim that they are living a life without medication. They refuse to take antipsychotic medication as there are many concerns.
I was too.
When I was diagnosed with schizophrenia, I was sceptical to consume antipsychotic medicine. I heard that there were many significant side effects especially if taken for the long term. I was very lucky to meet a great psychiatrist. He prescribed the right dosages of medications.
My recommended medication helped me to complete my daily tasks successfully, step by step. It helps me to focus better and manage my moods more efficiently and effectively. Often, I find myself being able to control my feelings rather than without any medications.
In fact, studies have shown that schizophrenics respond well to medication. This shows much better improvements as compared to those who are not on the right medication and treatment path.
Build Your Best Treatment Plan
At the end of the day, you have to decide what works for you best. Don’t base your recovery plan on someone else’s because it might not be suitable and will only stress you up.
Understand that antipsychotic medication is not the best treatment but it will help to ease the symptoms. Combine it with therapy, self-coping techniques and community support. That’s how you get the best treatment.
Work on the other aspects of life. Try to keep a good social life, and build your mental and physical health. If you are just struggling at the moment, know that it is possible to live a fulfilling life as a schizophrenic.
I was diagnosed with schizophrenia, not a full formal diagnosis, but it was said to me by a psychiatrist which was my doctor at the time. I think that he was pretty right on his point of view, since I got a lot of symptoms of this condition. Meanwhile, with a lot of effort, I could enter in a good University and start studying to be a doctor. I finished my studies on the graduation course in 2018, December. Before that I had already a graduation in Cinema and a post-graduation in Public Politics. So after becoming a physician I joined a Family Physician post graduation course, with 60 hours/week. So, I became Family Physician. It always been hard study for me since I got the first alteration of the audition sensopercepction when I was 21 years old. Now I work a lot, I got a lot girlfriends while all this (hahaha :p), I play in a band…and still be messed up by the voices and other forms of alteration of sensoperception…but I have barely a normal life. I have a great psychiatrist as my doctor which says that I have Bipolar Disorder, but maybe it could be changed along the time… I’m producing some songs with a singer of Iran and other one from my country, Brazil. I love literature and arts. Unfortunately, due to the years of illness and also the times that I studied I didn’t traveled too much, but I hope do it.
For all that deals with schizophrenia: the world now is a better place for almost all of us, due to possibilities of person 2 person communications, social media and even the fact that the world itself is becoming more psychotic or “different “. Audiovisual midia tends to help, better medications are disponible, Unfortunately the better ones just for a few…
Don’t give up your dreams, have a routine, follow day by day your belief in be the one that deserves to be happy and have joy. Schizophrenia didn’t even exists since the terminology in the 19 century. Schizophrenics are artists, very plural and intelligent people and also with a lot of empathy.
Take care of yourselves, shave, take two or even three showers in a day if necessary, be well dressed… don’t be tangent to the world…
Talk a lot, talk about your feelings, have a lot of friends, different ones, be supportive to your family, help your parents in whatever they ask you. Be lovely, sure the best will come for you.
To deal with the voices will take time, unfortunately you can be one of 30% of Schizophrenics that are refrain to anti-psychotic drugs….but soon you realize that good thoughts, voices and feelings will come…
I wish you the best, and that you really save your lifes from one of the most complexity mental illness of the human condition.
When something go wrong say “asssssssss” and go ahead.
Hi Pedro, thanks so much for taking the time to write this meaningful and inspiring story of yours. Am pretty sure Schizo Warriors could benefit from your outstanding effort and ways of coping brain health issues. I find it very awe inspiring that you could live such a meaningful life despite your condition.
I am also still trying very hard to manage my symptoms. I do admit it’s not easy but am trying every way and am progressing forward daily. Truly appreciate your kind and constructive comments.
Will try my best to upkeep this blog so that it can benefit everyone especially people like us. Wishing you a great day and stay awesome!